

Dehydrated fruits are fruits from which most of their water content has been extracted, through certain drying or dehydration techniques. All the dehydration processes have been carried out in the most natural way possible to preserve all its aroma and properties, unlike what you might think, they are beneficial for the body. So they are the perfect and healthy snack to eat when you want.

Consumption recommendations: they provide a large amount of energy so they are ideal for athletes, to make energy bars.


Banana Chips

Goji Berries

Plums with and without bone

Coco Chips

Grated Coconut

Date with and without bone


Dry Figs

Dehydrated Mango


Dehydrated Papaya

Yellow Raisins

Jumbo Raisins

Sultan Raisins


Les Garrigues

Packaging Formats

Below we show you the different formats in which we pack our products, so that they maintain all their properties, aroma and flavor.